Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I will start with soup

I'm a big fan of soup.  The heartier the better.  And frankly, I also love broth.  This is not a wonderful subject to start my blog out with, but oh well.  I just made some ham and green bean soup yesterday.  I like to add potatoes and I like to make it with a creamier broth.  My wonderful father-law taught me a wonderful trick to thickening soups.  Just add instant mashed potato mix.  Plain or flavored.  I personally like garlic and herb.  I love to cook, but hate baking.  Baking is a science--with exact timing and precise measuring involved.  I hated science in school.  My mind meanders too much.  I was mostly a loner, always wandering.  I suppose that's why I like soup.  You can have a general idea of what you want to put in a soup and end up with something completely different in the end.  And hopefully it all turns out delicious.  Next venture: some Thai or Korean soup.  I'm hankering for something spicy.  It's getting cold in PA.  Lots of rain lately.  It's definitely soup time. 


  1. I agree, it is definitely soup season! I vote for Thai soup next! I am looking forward to your blog and looking even more forward to taste testing! YUMS!

  2. I love soup! I would like a nice recipe for thai soup, too. I recently made a delicious roasted squash soup. I roasted an acorn squash and a butternut squash, added vegetable stock, super skim milk, salt, pepper, a little fresh nutmeg. Then I cooked a little quinoa and served the soup over the grain, delicious!

  3. That soup sounds wonderful Barb. I will have to try it sometime. And thanks for following my blog ladies. I definitely agree on the Thai soup! I will post when I find and make the perfect recipe.
